Linked-In seems like a great social network. I will have to join that in the very near future. The rules that Guy Kawasaki sets in his blog
, show great ways to make the most out of your experience. Its suggestion to put a link to your profile in your emails is a great idea. They make a great point saying how it would be awkward to put your resume in an attachment, but the link is very casual. It also is very helpful to check out your interviewer. The best way to win someone over is for you to be comfortable, as well as making them feel comfortable. If you two can relate about a common past employer, or having went to the same undergrad, it can do nothing but help your chances.
I agree. With the groups function on LinkedIn, networking is so simple. If you're a employer who graduated from AU, you can go through the AU alumni group and find people who went to the same school as you and hire thm, for example.