Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rock and Roll is the devils music

In the article "Nobel Laureate Says The Internet Makes Us Dumb, We Say: Meh", a very out of touch Nobel prize winner expresses how she thinks the internet is making our youth out of touch with the real world. These arguments against the youngest generation from their elders comes up all the time. Just as my grandfather though my dads rock and roll music was for the devil, and my dad thinks my music is just a bunch of drums and curse words, it is a cycle. Now it is not to say that Dorris Lessing is wrong. While it has come to a point that the youth can look up any fact on the internet and feel as though it is research, they might not be getting this information from a credible source. On the other hand, you must look at people outside of your social norms. Technology has made people in remote places to be closer than ever to the rest of the world. A person in India can look up the scores of their favorite NBA team, chat with their friend in Russia, and buy something made in china. Just because there is so much worthless data on the web, it does not mean that there isn't good to take out of it. After all......I read this article on the internet, so if it wasn't for the internet, i wouldn't know anything about YOU, Ms. Lessing.


  1. I like the authority in your ending point! The comparison to generation gaps in music is a great one.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. thanks Ben,
    I got the idea when i was watching the Miss America Pageant. One of the contestants was asked how to solve the obesity problem in the US, and her response was to get the kids away from the TV, where i thought to myself...."The only reason Miss America is a big deal is because it is nationally televised.

  4. Love the parallel between music and the Internet. Also, who is to say what is worthless or not; even if some people don't care about the score NBA games it's out there for everyone to see. The Internet gives us the option to look at whatever we want, what's wrong with that?

  5. Also, the older generations dont have much experience or much of a use for the internet. Students use the internet for literally everything, but the elderly don't even know how to turn on a computer, none the less need it for anything. There is definitely a gap in the generations when it comes to technology.

  6. I think the elderly that embrace the internet are much better off. It allows them to keep in touch with their family, and they can research family trees. I know that my grandparents enjoy using it for that reason. I think the internet always us to connect better than before!

  7. Like I said in my post, I don't necessarily see the issue with there being a cultural and age gap with the Internet. You have to remember that the Internet is still 15, it's an adolescent, no one fully understands it now. By having a gap, we, as people who use the Internet in our daily lives, are learning from those who have never lived that lifestyle before. The idea of the upcoming future where no one can remember a time pre-Internet is kind scary to me.
