Sunday, January 17, 2010

Six Degrees of Lois Weisberg

this is an article about how networking is an amazing phenomenon. It basically is a few stories of a woman who is a natural networker and because of it may interesting things happen around her.
Networking is a natural thing to do when you meet new people. As the saying goes "it isn't what you know, it's who you know." This is definitely a true statement. Peoples reputations proceed them in most cases, and if you are able to make that a positive thing, you have less to prove when you meet someone face to face. In social circles, many people rely on others opinions of you. As in the passage, many people were networked together by asking someone "who should i talk to when I'm visiting....." This is why when you meet new people to spark conversation it is a good idea to ask where they are from and what they do.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Networking is really important at all times. Even when a person is on vacation, they should still be friendly to people and get their name out there because you never know when a great opportunity is going to happen. Also, online networks, such as facebook are great ways of networking too. It is important to sensor your facebook so future employers/co-workers see the serious side of you instead of the crazy side that may not be all too responsible.
