Sunday, April 18, 2010

Social Media ROI

It is very hard to analyze ROI of your company on social media. This is because the internet is such a fast acting view. There is a difference between window shopping, and walking in the store and trying something on. You may go to a website through a search engine, and the second you realize its not what your looking for you leave. You cant just use a website that counts how many hits. You need to look into the quality of what people are saying and your relationships with interacting with the customers or potential customers. Knowing how many people saw the site is great, but you need to know what they are getting out of it.

Monday, April 12, 2010


in this article, the army released its first official rules for troops in using social media, allowing them to be as open as anyone else. They obviously cant release any data that compromises a mission, but it is a huge step in allowing troops to communicate freely. It is a long way from how our grandparents could only write home every few days when they were serving. Whats Next? soldier@twitter, sign into barracks on foursquare?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

AOL consumer monitoring

AOL's methods of monitoring what people are searching for on the web is a great method. Instead of the MAN controlling what we see and read about, they are actually giving us what we want. Some fear that we will just read about celebrities doing stupid stuff. I believe reputable news agencies will separate themselves from this type of media. Their tactic will show advertisers that AOL has a very good plan to get the most hits and get their product or service out there.